Wednesday, April 25, 2012


يا سنيني 
بمن يملك حنيني 

يا صديقي 
مما يفنيني

يا عيوني 
لا تخوني
ما أخفيه عن كوني 

يا سمائي 
لا تباهي 
بما يزهو ببالي

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tired of myself

You can't blame me for feeling whatever it is I'm feeling. I can't help it.

I've always implored myself to keep quiet and let things go. But it won't listen to me, it always betrays me and says everything I've been trying to hide. I know blaming people does no good. But however silly the thing is, I end up saying it. People have their reasons for the things they do, mostly. I often end up feeling like it's my fault in the first place to be upset. That's how I work. The only person feeling guilty in the end is me. I'm left with doubts and insecurities as ancient as I am. And I know if they have any plans of leaving, they would have ages ago. But no, these insecurities are too attached to me. But I'm tired of myself and of people, of this feeling of guilt. I want to take a break of it. I don't want everything turning up against me and making me feel worse.

I'm not very good at cheering myself up. But I'm trying my best. Then a word gets thrown my way dismantles everything. But I'm really trying.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Oman Mobile!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Exposing Dreams

My dreams expose my heart
What my heart tries to hide shyly
They come and toss it publicly
They even point out my flaws at me
I wake up confused
Why would they do such a thing?

You do not visit my dreams
You've been residing in them lately
And you bring along weaknesses
Those I've been trying to forget
And as I'm about to sleep
I'm wondering whether you're about to emerge with a new flaw

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Oman Mobile!

Friday, April 6, 2012

ناجاني قلبي

قال لي قلبي اليانع:
اتركيني هنا على الوسادة
و اذهبي لقضاء يومكِ كما شئتِ بدوني
أريد أن أبقى هنا و أتدثر جيداً
أصحو على زقزقة العصافير
أتأرجح ما بين النسمات
و لا أبالي لشيء

و ارجعي لي كل ليلة
و اخبريني عن حديث العيون
لا أريد أن أسمع القيل و القال
بل عن الذي لم يقال
فأنتِ يا حلوتي أكبر مثال
أنتِ تتحدثين عبر عينيكِ

و سوف أناجيكِ و أنتِ نائمة
و أمسحُ ذاك التعب الذي يعتري خديكِ
لا تظني يا حلوتي أني لا أبالي بكِ
لكننا متعبان
أنا و أنتِ
سأرتاح قليلاً
كي أرجعُ أقوى منكِ
و أحمل ألمكِ كما وعدتكِ
فهل تسمحين لي؟