Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Spark of Faith

I, hereby, post this for Noor El-Terk. Because she likes cheesy. <3

With hopes she wasn't fully asleep yet, he turned in bed. And with the street light that fell purposely on her side of the pillow, he saw the tears that were calling out to him. Instinctively he reached out for her and swiftly turned her towards him. Only then did she let out her first muffled sob that gave way to more tears, unexplained even to herself.

"I wish I was a rock, like you, unmoved by all the waves that hit me."

He pondered what seemed to be the result of a long thinking and whispered gently, "You forget that this rock you're talking about is yours. It would take those hits you get gladly, for you."

"I want you to promise me to always forgive my inconsistencies," said she, "I'm weak and I fear not living up to your expectations of me."

In the friction of the second he hesitated, she broke down completely. As he admitted silently to her weakness, or so she interpreted it. He held her tighter trying to keep her in once piece as he whispered, "It all depends on one thing. If you love me consistently then I will forgive you everything else."

"I will" said she as she finally closed her eyes, rested her pounding head on his chest and not so long after, slept.

He tried to recall why he sought for her earlier, but smiled slightly at the realisation that there needn't be a reason for it.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Oman Mobile!

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